Senin, 10 Desember 2012

syarat proposal

Terms of the contract must meet the following elements:1 a description of wage policy and perfakturan / (eg, a few percent to be paid in advance, how on certain milestones, and how much on delivery)2 of your policy on the dismissal of the client and the cost of the change order.3 of your policy regarding external costs in the budget for travel, telephone, courier services, and so on.4 Your policy relating to third-party license fees for non-teme modules and drivers in particular / paying client.5 specific statement as to who will have what has been done in proyek.anda want may still retain the right to show the parts of the work for your own promotional purposes and use it back in the code and algorithms are part of the other projects that you develop.6 The warranty on the client that you will not divulge the information owner.7 Right to display your award on the job.8 Your rights are limited to working for other clients.9 Rejection or deficiencies and damages arising out of work
Sample contract (not in use without proper legal counsel)
We will undertake this assignment on a time-basis expenses at our current hourly rate of $ ..... per hour for .... job title ...., $ .... perhourfor ..... job title ..., $ ... . perhour for ... job title ...., plus applicable taxes and reimbursement of authorized out-of - pocket exspense, reasonable travel, express, freeing, courier and telecommunication expenses Incurred in relation to the project, will be Considered a pre-uthorized. [ client] will be responsible for all liseencing fees of third-party products incorparted (with [client) 's knowledge and approval) into the final product. We will invoice [client] either upon [client] 's acceptance of the specified deliverables for each work phase specified above, or monthly, whichever is more often. [Client]' s authorization, either written or verball, to comance a work phase will constitute acceptance of the previous phase's deliverables.invoices are due and payble commence work, we require a retainer in the amount of $ ......, roomates will beDeducted from the finalinvoice for the project.Upon our receipt of final payment, [client] shall own all rights, except those Noted below, to the comdleted work delivered under this aggrement,

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