Senin, 10 Desember 2012

The Seven Deadly Sins of Proposal Writing

The Seven Deadly Sins of Proposal Writing

Failure to focus on the client's business problems and payoffs—the content sounds generic.
No persuasive structure—the proposal is an "information dump."
No clear differentiation of this vendor compared to others.
Failure to offer a compelling value proposition.
Key points are buried—no impact, no highlighting.
Difficult to read because they're full of jargon, too long, or too technical.
Credibility killers—misspellings, grammar and punctuation errors, use of the wrong client's name, inconsistent formats, and similar mistakes

The Value of Your Proposals to Your Clients

Compare vendors, offers, or prices so he or she can make an informed decision
Clarify complex information
Make the buying process more "objective"
Slow down the sales process
Solicit creative ideas, become educated, or get free consulting

Proposed System

Proposed System (contents: summary results of the analysis / (less) design system) - Project SI: System now (business procedures).
Proposed business procedures (and proposed changes in the organization, if necessary).
+ General Description of the proposed system architecture (including modules).
Diag + Use case scenarios.
The design of the user interface.
Analysis / database design (ER).

Implementation Methodology Job: Overview of how the system will be built (langkah2 RPL).
+ WBS work package.
Diagram PERT / CPM.
Project Schedule (Gant-chart) (including surveys, demonstrations, preparation of reports).
Personnel scheduling
Scheduling the Use of
Description laporan2 content.
Guidelines for Proposal Preparation BiayaTerapkan precautionary principle is high (not to wrong estimation and Consultants loss).
No "over-priced" (so likely to win).
Consistent with the contents of the Technical Proposal (note that it would be "cost component").

pembuatan proposal

The Seven Deadly Sins of Proposal Writing

Failure to focus on the client's business problems and payoffs—the content sounds generic.
No persuasive structure—the proposal is an "information dump."
No clear differentiation of this vendor compared to others.
Failure to offer a compelling value proposition.
Key points are buried—no impact, no highlighting.
Difficult to read because they're full of jargon, too long, or too technical.
Credibility killers—misspellings, grammar and punctuation errors, use of the wrong client's name, inconsistent formats, and similar mistakes

The Value of Your Proposals to Your Clients

Compare vendors, offers, or prices so he or she can make an informed decision
Clarify complex information
Make the buying process more "objective"
Slow down the sales process
Solicit creative ideas, become educated, or get free consulting

Direct Appointment (in Indonesia), with the usual way:
Consultant (team of developers) conducted a survey on the company's Client (interviews, collect documents, observation systems and procedures).
Consultant proposal (can be in consultation with the Client).
Negotiations between the Consultant and the Client.
Signing of the contract documents by the Consultant and the Client.
Proposal on Direct Appointment:
Brief but clear (minimal).
Grating material compiled on the deal Client - Consultant.
Can only consist of one document, the main contents: technical specification system / PL to be built, work plan, the proposed budget (or the total value of the project only required).


syarat proposal

Terms of the contract must meet the following elements:1 a description of wage policy and perfakturan / (eg, a few percent to be paid in advance, how on certain milestones, and how much on delivery)2 of your policy on the dismissal of the client and the cost of the change order.3 of your policy regarding external costs in the budget for travel, telephone, courier services, and so on.4 Your policy relating to third-party license fees for non-teme modules and drivers in particular / paying client.5 specific statement as to who will have what has been done in proyek.anda want may still retain the right to show the parts of the work for your own promotional purposes and use it back in the code and algorithms are part of the other projects that you develop.6 The warranty on the client that you will not divulge the information owner.7 Right to display your award on the job.8 Your rights are limited to working for other clients.9 Rejection or deficiencies and damages arising out of work
Sample contract (not in use without proper legal counsel)
We will undertake this assignment on a time-basis expenses at our current hourly rate of $ ..... per hour for .... job title ...., $ .... perhourfor ..... job title ..., $ ... . perhour for ... job title ...., plus applicable taxes and reimbursement of authorized out-of - pocket exspense, reasonable travel, express, freeing, courier and telecommunication expenses Incurred in relation to the project, will be Considered a pre-uthorized. [ client] will be responsible for all liseencing fees of third-party products incorparted (with [client) 's knowledge and approval) into the final product. We will invoice [client] either upon [client] 's acceptance of the specified deliverables for each work phase specified above, or monthly, whichever is more often. [Client]' s authorization, either written or verball, to comance a work phase will constitute acceptance of the previous phase's deliverables.invoices are due and payble commence work, we require a retainer in the amount of $ ......, roomates will beDeducted from the finalinvoice for the project.Upon our receipt of final payment, [client] shall own all rights, except those Noted below, to the comdleted work delivered under this aggrement,



Regional Autonomy canangan enforcement beginning January 2001 provide a challenge for the industrialist, legal practitioners and even more towards academics and educational administrators. With the development of science, technology, and information very rapidly in an era of openness in facing regional autonomy is coupled with the AFTA meeting of the WTO in 2003 and 2020, resulting in very tight competition, as well as open up new challenges and opportunities. The main qualification is an investment in that era tebesar above is the ability to communicate and control technology. Besides the success of an organization is largely determined by several things, including: FAST PROCESS (rapid process), UP TO DATE (Recency), and THE BEST PEOPLE (Human Resources best). For Indonesia's human resources should have a good quality knowledge and ability to communicate reliably. In tackling these problems, MA Alhikmah two objects with advanced plus SMU religious bercirikhas Computer skills equivalent D1; Ketrempilan fashion, agriculture-based fisheries, Welding, and English-language skills have a mission to prepare students IMTAK sound quality (iman and taqwa) and science and technology ( Science and technology) as well as prepared independently in the community by improving the quality of higher education dedicated, curriculum modifications, optimization of facilities, professional service, excavation and management of financial resources and optimally proportioned so expected them to compete in the era of mellennium III.

The program is organized to enhance the capabilities and power of human resource competitiveness in the era of Globalization Indonesia, welcomed the autonomy and mastery of technology education. Human resources is also hoped that Indonesia is able to keep track of and sensitive to changes in the environment, technology, education, pure discipline, and ability to speak English.

Madrasah Aliyah Alhikmah 2 is located in central Java Objects Brebes Sirampog is distinctively religious school that is the center of an integrated education system to apply a combination of education and global education schools double quality (link and match). Education programs in MA 2 among other IPA; IPS; Sites with concentration skilled capabilities:1. The computer equivalent of D12. English3. Tata Clothing4. Agriculture-based Fisheries5. Welding6. Skills yellow bookSkills graduates are entitled to certification from the Department of Labor
TARGETThe main factors to be an educational institution that is ready to enter the era of regional autonomy is the availability of adequate human resources. Therefore MA Alhikmah 2 sees the need to educate and include academic personnel and employees in training ketarampilan that in view of the need for institutions and regional development.Some staff and academic personnel yaang is implementing empowerment, among others:
1. Drs. Kholis Mahyudin S2 Unsoed2. Drs. Hambali Mustolikh S2 UNSIMA in Navan3. Drs. A. Shafi Mutammam S2 Saskatoon Canada4. Nur Azizah Technician Computer and Internet UNIGAMA Yogyakarta5. Sri Wahyuni, S.Sos LIA Jakarta6. Muhammad Rofiuddin S1 in Jordan7. Muhammad Nidzomuddin S 1 on Syrians8. Mas'udatul Khasanah Lemabaga English and Arabic in Kediri9. Neli khikmawati idemISMI 10.Tri Yuniarti idemComputer Technician 11.Khaeruddin D1 in Unigama
Financing programs are taken as part of the Budget and School Foundation and the institutions, agencies, and companies are competent include:1. The local government level II Brebes2. Ministry of Religious Affairs regional, and national3. Boarding Pendididan foundation Alhikmah4. Company

MA Alhikmah 2 as an asset by the Bradford district human resources owned diaharapkan able to:1. Proved to be high on the regional income2. Being Madrasah seed is used as a reference for other regions in the
develop National Education3. The pride of Bradford area that can be used to attract outside investment assets

MA Alhikmah 2Aliyah Madrassh Plus Integrated SkillsComputers; tatabusana; Fisheries; Welding; English; book of yellow
address: Bradford Central Java Objects Sirampog 52 272Telephone (0289) 430494; 432 445; 081 64,255,790


Regional Autonomy canangan enforcement beginning January 2001 provide a challenge for the industrialist, legal practitioners and even more towards academics and educational administrators. With the development of science, technology, and information very rapidly in an era of openness in facing regional autonomy is coupled with the AFTA meeting of the WTO in 2003 and 2020, resulting in very tight competition, as well as open up new challenges and opportunities. The main qualification is an investment in that era tebesar above is the ability to communicate and control technology. Besides the success of an organization is largely determined by several things, including: FAST PROCESS (rapid process), UP TO DATE (Recency), and THE BEST PEOPLE (Human Resources best). For Indonesia's human resources should have a good quality knowledge and ability to communicate reliably. In tackling these problems, MA Alhikmah two objects with advanced plus SMU religious bercirikhas Computer skills equivalent D1; Ketrempilan fashion, agriculture-based fisheries, Welding, and English-language skills have a mission to prepare students IMTAK sound quality (iman and taqwa) and science and technology ( Science and technology) as well as prepared independently in the community by improving the quality of higher education dedicated, curriculum modifications, optimization of facilities, professional service, excavation and management of financial resources and optimally proportioned so expected them to compete in the era of mellennium III.

The program is organized to enhance the capabilities and power of human resource competitiveness in the era of Globalization Indonesia, welcomed the autonomy and mastery of technology education. Human resources is also hoped that Indonesia is able to keep track of and sensitive to changes in the environment, technology, education, pure discipline, and ability to speak English.

Madrasah Aliyah Alhikmah 2 is located in central Java Objects Brebes Sirampog is distinctively religious school that is the center of an integrated education system to apply a combination of education and global education schools double quality (link and match). Education programs in MA 2 among other IPA; IPS; Sites with concentration skilled capabilities:1. The computer equivalent of D12. English3. Tata Clothing4. Agriculture-based Fisheries5. Welding6. Skills yellow bookSkills graduates are entitled to certification from the Department of Labor
TARGETThe main factors to be an educational institution that is ready to enter the era of regional autonomy is the availability of adequate human resources. Therefore MA Alhikmah 2 sees the need to educate and include academic personnel and employees in training ketarampilan that in view of the need for institutions and regional development.Some staff and academic personnel yaang is implementing empowerment, among others:
1. Drs. Kholis Mahyudin S2 Unsoed2. Drs. Hambali Mustolikh S2 UNSIMA in Navan3. Drs. A. Shafi Mutammam S2 Saskatoon Canada4. Nur Azizah Technician Computer and Internet UNIGAMA Yogyakarta5. Sri Wahyuni, S.Sos LIA Jakarta6. Muhammad Rofiuddin S1 in Jordan7. Muhammad Nidzomuddin S 1 on Syrians8. Mas'udatul Khasanah Lemabaga English and Arabic in Kediri9. Neli khikmawati idemISMI 10.Tri Yuniarti idemComputer Technician 11.Khaeruddin D1 in Unigama
Financing programs are taken as part of the Budget and School Foundation and the institutions, agencies, and companies are competent include:1. The local government level II Brebes2. Ministry of Religious Affairs regional, and national3. Boarding Pendididan foundation Alhikmah4. Company

MA Alhikmah 2 as an asset by the Bradford district human resources owned diaharapkan able to:1. Proved to be high on the regional income2. Being Madrasah seed is used as a reference for other regions in the
develop National Education3. The pride of Bradford area that can be used to attract outside investment assets

MA Alhikmah 2Aliyah Madrassh Plus Integrated SkillsComputers; tatabusana; Fisheries; Welding; English; book of yellow
address: Bradford Central Java Objects Sirampog 52 272Telephone (0289) 430494; 432 445; 081 64,255,790


Regional Autonomy canangan enforcement beginning January 2001 provide a challenge for the industrialist, legal practitioners and even more towards academics and educational administrators. With the development of science, technology, and information very rapidly in an era of openness in facing regional autonomy is coupled with the AFTA meeting of the WTO in 2003 and 2020, resulting in very tight competition, as well as open up new challenges and opportunities. The main qualification is an investment in that era tebesar above is the ability to communicate and control technology. Besides the success of an organization is largely determined by several things, including: FAST PROCESS (rapid process), UP TO DATE (Recency), and THE BEST PEOPLE (Human Resources best). For Indonesia's human resources should have a good quality knowledge and ability to communicate reliably. In tackling these problems, MA Alhikmah two objects with advanced plus SMU religious bercirikhas Computer skills equivalent D1; Ketrempilan fashion, agriculture-based fisheries, Welding, and English-language skills have a mission to prepare students IMTAK sound quality (iman and taqwa) and science and technology ( Science and technology) as well as prepared independently in the community by improving the quality of higher education dedicated, curriculum modifications, optimization of facilities, professional service, excavation and management of financial resources and optimally proportioned so expected them to compete in the era of mellennium III.

The program is organized to enhance the capabilities and power of human resource competitiveness in the era of Globalization Indonesia, welcomed the autonomy and mastery of technology education. Human resources is also hoped that Indonesia is able to keep track of and sensitive to changes in the environment, technology, education, pure discipline, and ability to speak English.

Madrasah Aliyah Alhikmah 2 is located in central Java Objects Brebes Sirampog is distinctively religious school that is the center of an integrated education system to apply a combination of education and global education schools double quality (link and match). Education programs in MA 2 among other IPA; IPS; Sites with concentration skilled capabilities:1. The computer equivalent of D12. English3. Tata Clothing4. Agriculture-based Fisheries5. Welding6. Skills yellow bookSkills graduates are entitled to certification from the Department of Labor
TARGETThe main factors to be an educational institution that is ready to enter the era of regional autonomy is the availability of adequate human resources. Therefore MA Alhikmah 2 sees the need to educate and include academic personnel and employees in training ketarampilan that in view of the need for institutions and regional development.Some staff and academic personnel yaang is implementing empowerment, among others:
1. Drs. Kholis Mahyudin S2 Unsoed2. Drs. Hambali Mustolikh S2 UNSIMA in Navan3. Drs. A. Shafi Mutammam S2 Saskatoon Canada4. Nur Azizah Technician Computer and Internet UNIGAMA Yogyakarta5. Sri Wahyuni, S.Sos LIA Jakarta6. Muhammad Rofiuddin S1 in Jordan7. Muhammad Nidzomuddin S 1 on Syrians8. Mas'udatul Khasanah Lemabaga English and Arabic in Kediri9. Neli khikmawati idemISMI 10.Tri Yuniarti idemComputer Technician 11.Khaeruddin D1 in Unigama
Financing programs are taken as part of the Budget and School Foundation and the institutions, agencies, and companies are competent include:1. The local government level II Brebes2. Ministry of Religious Affairs regional, and national3. Boarding Pendididan foundation Alhikmah4. Company

MA Alhikmah 2 as an asset by the Bradford district human resources owned diaharapkan able to:1. Proved to be high on the regional income2. Being Madrasah seed is used as a reference for other regions in the
develop National Education3. The pride of Bradford area that can be used to attract outside investment assets

MA Alhikmah 2Aliyah Madrassh Plus Integrated SkillsComputers; tatabusana; Fisheries; Welding; English; book of yellow
address: Bradford Central Java Objects Sirampog 52 272Telephone (0289) 430494; 432 445; 081 64,255,790


Regional Autonomy canangan enforcement beginning January 2001 provide a challenge for the industrialist, legal practitioners and even more towards academics and educational administrators. With the development of science, technology, and information very rapidly in an era of openness in facing regional autonomy is coupled with the AFTA meeting of the WTO in 2003 and 2020, resulting in very tight competition, as well as open up new challenges and opportunities. The main qualification is an investment in that era tebesar above is the ability to communicate and control technology. Besides the success of an organization is largely determined by several things, including: FAST PROCESS (rapid process), UP TO DATE (Recency), and THE BEST PEOPLE (Human Resources best). For Indonesia's human resources should have a good quality knowledge and ability to communicate reliably. In tackling these problems, MA Alhikmah two objects with advanced plus SMU religious bercirikhas Computer skills equivalent D1; Ketrempilan fashion, agriculture-based fisheries, Welding, and English-language skills have a mission to prepare students IMTAK sound quality (iman and taqwa) and science and technology ( Science and technology) as well as prepared independently in the community by improving the quality of higher education dedicated, curriculum modifications, optimization of facilities, professional service, excavation and management of financial resources and optimally proportioned so expected them to compete in the era of mellennium III.


1.The first step is to go into mozilla firefox, then enter the IP GATEWAY on where to enter the web address, as shown below. 
2. Then press Enter it will look like the image below.
3. After that, enter the default user name and password
User name: admin
Password: admin
As the picture below. 

4. Then press Enter then comes the picture as below.
5. After the image appears as above, click Advanced Setup, then select LAN and it will appear like the picture below. 

6. After that click on Security and select Outgoing IP Filtering, and then making it appear like the picture below. 
7. The final step is to select Incoming, it will appear like the picture below.


1.pertama create a new layer and name it with the name of the tiger2.selanjutnya click file-import-import to library.3.cari tiger picture in Microsoft office-clip art. (I took from Microsoft office 2007.tidak sure if the Microsoft office 2003 there. Try just looking) click ok4.After tiger image appears in the window library (ctrl + L) appears drag the picture into the worksheet on tiger layer.5.setelah click f8 to convert it to a symbol and give it the name of the tiger symbol of type movie clip. Put on the right off the worksheet that are not visible.6.kemudian create a new layer and name it as deer the same way on the number 2 and 3 to find pictures of deer.7.drag deer picture library window into the worksheet and then convert a movie clip and name the objects put kijang.lalu deer right in front of the worksheet object tiger.8.insert keyfreme on frame 10,20,31, and 41 on the layer of deer and tigers in the frame ubalah position objects such as deer and tigers chase chase. Then give twen motion between these frames.9.saat on frame 41, the object of deer make it thinner so memorable bentyk tiger caught using free transfroom. Insert frame to frame 165.10.setelah it, insert a keyframe at frame 165 and 170 tigers in the layer. Then layer frame 170 tigers move the position of the object out worksheets. And in the object properties window change color to alpha 0% tiger give motion tween between frame 165 and frame 170.11.setelah that create a new layer with the name of the gas. Insert blank keyframe on frame 48 and then make another cloud image objects. then converted into movie clips as gas. After that, put the object into the back of the tiger gas.12. insert a keyframe at frame 65 frame 48 gas.pada layer, reduce the size of the object to be small given gas motion tween in frames 48 and 65.13. then insert another keyframe at frame 155 and 165. reduce the size of the object and change the color on the gas proporteis window to alpha 0% give motion tween between the frames.14. after that create a new layer with the name of the title of the formula. Insert blank keyframe on frame 65. Make the text "present continuous tense" and then convert to movie clip and name the title of the formula. after that, put the position of the object to the object gas insert keyframe on frame 85.145, and 155. Then on frame 65 and the lower the object change color objects with alpha 0% give a motion tween between frames 65 and 85 after that click on frame 155 objects and object change color to alpha 0% give motion tween between the two.15. after that create a new layer and name it rumus.insert blank keyframe on frame 85. Make the text "s + is / are / am + v-ing+ O "and convert into a movie clip and name rumus.insert keyframe on frame 105,111,116,121,126,131,136, and 145 in frame 85, change the size of the object into smaller objects and change the color of color to alpha 0% and then after that ubalah color image object in the frame formula 111,121,131 and 145 to alpha0% give motion tween between frames 85 to 145.16.tekan ctrl + enter to try animation (to first use a layer from top to bottom is the title of the formula

Kamis, 22 November 2012


A pulse (Latin "puls",[1] from Ancient Greek πόλτος poltos "porridge")[2] is an annual leguminous crop yielding from one to twelve seeds of variable size, shape, and color within a pod. Pulses are used for food and animal feed. Archaeologists have discovered traces of pulse production around Ravi River (Punjab), the seat of the Indus Valley civilization, dating circa 3300 BC. Meanwhile, evidence of lentil cultivation has also been found in Egyptian pyramids and dry pea seeds have been discovered in a Swiss village that are believed to date back to the Stone Age. Archaeological evidence suggests that these peas must have been grown in the eastern Mediterranean and Mesopotamia regions at least 5,000 years ago and in Britain as early as the 11th century.[3] The term "pulse", as used by the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), is reserved for crops harvested solely for the dry seed. This excludes green beans and green peas, which are considered vegetable crops. Also excluded are crops that are mainly grown for oil extraction (oilseeds like soybeans and peanuts), and crops which are used exclusively for sowing (clovers, alfalfa). However, in common use these distinctions are not clearly made, and many of the varieties so classified and given below are also used as vegetables, with their beans in pods while young; cooked in whole cuisines; and sold for the purpose; for example, black eyed beans, lima beans and Toor or pigeon peas are thus eaten as fresh green beans, or cooked as part of a meal. Pulses are important food crops due to their high protein and essential amino acid content. Like many leguminous crops, pulses play a key role in crop rotation due to their ability to fix nitrogen.
Just like words such as "bean" and "lentil", the word "pulse" may also refer to just the seed, rather than the entire plant

World economy

India is the world's largest producer and the largest consumer of pulses. Pakistan, Canada, Burma, Australia and the United States, in that order, are significant exporters and are India's most significant suppliers. Canada now accounts for approximately 35% of global pulse trade each year. The global pulse market is estimated at 60 million tonnes.[3]


Variety of pulses
FAO recognizes 11 primary pulses.
  1. Dry beans (Phaseolus spp. including several species now in Vigna)
    • Kidney bean, haricot bean, pinto bean, navy bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)
    • Lima bean, butter bean (Phaseolus lunatus)
    • Azuki bean, adzuki bean (Vigna angularis)
    • Mung bean, golden gram, green gram (Vigna radiata)
    • Black gram, urad (Vigna mungo)
    • Scarlet runner bean (Phaseolus coccineus)
    • Ricebean (Vigna umbellata)
    • Moth bean (Vigna aconitifolia)
    • Tepary bean (Phaseolus acutifolius)
  2. Dry broad beans (Vicia faba)
    • Horse bean (Vicia faba equina)
    • Broad bean (Vicia faba)
    • Field bean (Vicia faba)
  3. Dry peas (Pisum spp.)
    • Garden pea (Pisum sativum var. sativum)
    • Protein pea (Pisum sativum var. arvense)
  4. Chickpea, garbanzo, Bengal gram (Cicer arietinum)
  5. Dry cowpea, black-eyed pea, blackeye bean (Vigna unguiculata )
  6. Pigeon pea, Arhar /Toor, cajan pea, Congo bean, gandules (Cajanus cajan)
  7. Lentil (Lens culinaris)
  8. Bambara groundnut, earth pea (Vigna subterranea)
  9. Vetch, common vetch (Vicia sativa)
  10. Lupins (Lupinus spp.)
  11. Minor pulses, including:
    • Lablab, hyacinth bean (Lablab purpureus)
    • Jack bean (Canavalia ensiformis), sword bean (Canavalia gladiata)
    • Winged bean (Psophocarpus teragonolobus)
    • Velvet bean, cowitch (Mucuna pruriens var. utilis)
    • Yam bean (Pachyrrizus erosus)


The nightshade Solanum melongena, also known as the eggplant, brinjal eggplant, aubergine, melongene, brinjal or guinea squash, is a member of the plant family Solanaceae. The plant bears a fruit of the same name, commonly used in cooking. As a nightshade, it is closely related to the tomato and potato. It was domesticated in India from the species S. incanum.[1][2][3]
S. melogena is a delicate, tropical perennial often cultivated as an annual in temperate climates. It grows 40 to 150 cm (16 to 57 in) tall, with large, coarsely lobed leaves that are 10 to 20 cm (4–8 in) long and 5 to 10 cm (2–4 in) broad. Semiwild types can grow much larger, to 225 cm (7 ft) with large leaves over 30 cm (12 in) long and 15 cm (6 in) broad. The stem is often spiny. The flower is white to purple, with a five-lobed corolla and yellow stamens. The fruit is fleshy, has a meaty texture. It is less than 3 cm (1.2 in) in diameter on wild plants, but much larger in cultivated forms.
The fruit is botanically classified as a berry and contains numerous small, soft seeds which are edible, but have a bitter taste because they contain nicotinoid alkaloids; this is unsurprising as it is a close relative of tobacco.


Some 18th-century European cultivars which were yellow or white resembled goose or hen's eggs, hence the name "eggplant."[4] The name "aubergine" is from the French, a diminutive of auberge, a variant of alberge, ‘a kind of peach’ or from the Spanish alberchigo or alverchiga, ‘an apricocke’.[5] It may be also be derived from Catalan albergínia, from Arabic al-baðinjān from Persian bâdenjân, from Sanskrit vātiga-gama).
Aubergine is also the name of the purple color resembling that of the fruit,[5] and is a commonly known color scheme[6]
In Indian, South African, Malaysian and Singaporean English, the fruit is called baigan brinjal, being derived directly from the Portuguese beringela. A less common British English word is melongene, which is also from French (derived) from Italian melanzana from Greek μελιτζάνα. In the Caribbean Trinidad, it also goes by meloongen from melongene.
In Indian native languages Hindi and Urdu, it is called "Baingan"or"Baigan".[7]


Solanum melongena flower
The plant is native to the Indian Subcontinent.[1][2] It has been cultivated in southern and eastern Asia since prehistory,[citation needed] but appears to have become known to the Western world no earlier than circa 1500. The first known written record of the plant is found in Qí mín yào shù, an ancient Chinese agricultural treatise completed in 544.[8] The numerous Arabic and North African names for it, along with the lack of the ancient Greek and Roman names, indicate it was introduced throughout the Mediterranean area by the Arabs in the early Middle Ages.
In the 17th and 18th centuries, the eggplant was known in Britain as the “Jew’s apple" because of its great popularity among Sephardi Jews, who may have brought it to England. [9]
Because of the plant's relationship with the Solanaceae (nightshade) family, the fruit was at one time believed to be extremely poisonous. The flowers and leaves can be poisonous if consumed in large quantities due to the presence of solanine.[10]

kacang panjang

Vigna unguiculata subsp. sesquipedalis is a legume cultivated to be eaten as green pods. It is known as the yardlong bean, bora, long-podded cowpea, asparagus bean, snake bean, or Chinese long bean. Despite common name, the pods are actually only about half a yard long; the subspecies name sesquipedalis (one-and-a-half-foot-long) is a rather exact approximation of the pods' length.
This plant is of a different genus than the common bean. It is a vigorous climbing annual vine. The plant is subtropical/tropical and most widely grown in the warmer parts of South Asia, Southeastern Asia, Thailand, and Southern China. A variety of the cowpea, it is grown primarily for its strikingly long (35-75 cm) immature pods and has uses very similar to that of the green bean. The many varieties of yardlong beans are usually distinguished by the different colors of their mature seeds.
The pods, which can begin to form just 60 days after sowing, hang in groups of two or more. They are best for vegetable use if picked before they reach full maturity; however, overlooked pods can be used like dry beans in soups. When harvesting, it is important not to pick the buds which are above the beans; since the plant will set many more beans on the same stem. The plants take longer to reach maturity than bush beans; but once producing, the beans are quick-growing and daily checking/harvesting is often a necessity. The plants will produce beans until frost.


he pear is any of several tree and shrub species of genus Pyrus (play /ˈprəs/), in the family Rosaceae. It is also the name of the pomaceous fruit of these trees. Several species of pear are valued by humans for their edible fruit, while others are cultivated as ornamental trees. The genus Pyrus is classified in subtribe Pyrinae within tribe Pyreae.


The English word “pear” is probably from Common West Germanic pera, probably a loanword of Vulgar Latin pira, the plural of pirum, akin to Greek ἄπιος apios (from Mycenaean ápisos), which is likely of Semitic origin.[citation needed] The place name Perry and Pharisoulopol can indicate the historical presence of pear trees. The term "pyriform" is sometimes used to describe something which is "pear-shaped".


Many varieties, such as the Nashi pear, are not "pear-shaped"
The pear is native to coastal and mildly temperate regions of the Old World, from western Europe and north Africa east right across Asia. It is a medium-sized tree, reaching 10–17 m tall, often with a tall, narrow crown; a few species are shrubby. The leaves are alternately arranged, simple, 2–12 cm long, glossy green on some species, densely silvery-hairy in some others; leaf shape varies from broad oval to narrow lanceolate. Most pears are deciduous, but one or two species in southeast Asia are evergreen. Most are cold-hardy, withstanding temperatures between −25 °C and −40 °C in winter, except for the evergreen species, which only tolerate temperatures down to about −15 °C. The flowers are white, rarely tinted yellow or pink, 2–4 cm diameter, and have five petals.[2] Like that of the related apple, the pear fruit is a pome, in most wild species 1–4 cm diameter, but in some cultivated forms up to 18 cm long and 8 cm broad; the shape varies in most species from oblate or globose, to the classic pyriform 'pear-shape' of the European pear with an elongated basal portion and a bulbous end.
The fruit is composed of the receptacle or upper end of the flower-stalk (the so-called calyx tube) greatly dilated. Enclosed within its cellular flesh is the true fruit: five cartilaginous carpels, known colloquially as the "core". From the upper rim of the receptacle are given off the five sepals[vague], the five petals, and the very numerous stamens.
Pears and apples cannot always be distinguished by the form of the fruit; some pears look very much like some apples. One major difference is that the flesh of pear fruit contains stone cells (also called "grit").


Pineapple (Ananas comosus), a tropical plant with edible multiple fruit consisting of coalesced berries,[1] named for resemblance to the pine cone,[2] is the most economically important plant in the Bromeliaceae family.[3] Pineapples may be cultivated from a crown cutting of the fruit,[4] possibly flowering in 20–24 months and fruiting in the following six months.[4][5]
Pineapple may be consumed fresh, canned, juiced, and are found in a wide array of food stuffs – dessert, fruit salad, jam, yogurt, ice cream, candy, and as a complement to meat dishes. In addition to consumption, in the Philippines the pineapple's leaves are used as the source of a textile fiber called piña, and is employed as a component of wall paper and furnishings, amongst other uses.[6]
Unlike many other fruits, pineapple does not ripen post harvest, so it is picked when it is ripe.[7]


Pineapple and its cross section
The word "pineapple" in English was first recorded in 1398, when it was originally used to describe the reproductive organs of conifer trees (now termed pine cones). The term "pine cone" for the reproductive organ of conifer trees was first recorded in 1694. When European explorers discovered this tropical fruit in the Americas, they called them "pineapples" (first so referenced in 1664 due to resemblance to what is now known as the pine cone).[8]
In the scientific binomial Ananas comosus, ananas, the original name of the fruit, comes from the Tupi word nanas, meaning "excellent fruit",[9] as recorded by André Thevet in 1555, and comosus, "tufted", refers to the stem of the fruit. Other members of the Ananas genus are often called "pine", as well, by laymen.
Many languages use the Tupian term ananas. In Spanish, pineapples are called piña "pine cone" in Spain and most Hispanic American countries, or ananá (ananás in Argentina) (see the piña colada drink). They have varying names in the languages of India: ananas (अननस)[10] in Marathi, anaasa(అనాస) in Telugu, Sapuri-PaNasa (ସପୁରି ପଣସ) in Oriya language, annachi pazham (Tamil), anarosh (Bengali), and in Malayalam, kaitha chakka. In Malay, pineapples are known as nanas or nenas. In the Maldivian language of Dhivehi, pineapples are known as alanaasi. A large, sweet pineapple grown especially in Brazil is called abacaxi [abakaˈʃi]. Along the Swahili-speaking coast of East Africa, the fruit is known as nanasi.


A pineapple flower in Iriomote, Japan
The pineapple is a herbaceous perennial which grows to 1.0 to 1.5 meters (3.3 to 4.9 ft) tall, although sometimes it can be taller. In appearance, the plant itself has a short, stocky stem with tough, waxy leaves. When creating its fruit, it usually produces up to 200 flowers, although some large-fruited cultivars can exceed this. Once it flowers, the individual fruits of the flowers join together to create what is commonly referred to as a pineapple. After the first fruit is produced, side shoots (called 'suckers' by commercial growers) are produced in the leaf axils of the main stem. These may be removed for propagation, or left to produce additional fruits on the original plant.[4] Commercially, suckers that appear around the base are cultivated. It has 30 or more long, narrow, fleshy, trough-shaped leaves with sharp spines along the margins that are 30 to 100 centimeters (1.0 to 3.3 ft) long, surrounding a thick stem. In the first year of growth, the axis lengthens and thickens, bearing numerous leaves in close spirals. After 12 to 20 months, the stem grows into a spike-like inflorescence up to 15 cm (6 in) long with over 100 spirally arranged, trimerous flowers, each subtended by a bract. Flower colors vary, depending on variety, from lavender, through light purple to red.
The ovaries develop into berries which coalesce into a large, compact, multiple accessory fruit. The fruit of a pineapple is arranged in two interlocking helices, eight in one direction, thirteen in the other, each being a Fibonacci number.[11]
Pineapple carries out CAM photosynthesis, fixing carbon dioxide at night and storing it as the acid malate and then releasing it during the day, aiding photosynthesis.